
Lipsticks & Coffee: Liebster Award Nomination

Hi everyone!

I’m excited to have ‘Lipsticks & Coffee’ nominated for another Liebster Award, this time from the lovely Reify. I absolutely ADORE her pictures and her blogging style is really awesome. DO check out her blog and follow ♥

The Liebster Award rules:

You must link back to the person who nominated you;
You must answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominee before you;
You must pick 11 nominees with under 200 (or 2000 if you want to go with that) followers to answer your questions;
You cannot nominate the person who nominated you;
You must let the people you nominate know they have been nominated


Reify’s questions:

If you had the chance to be another person for one day, who would you want to be and why?
Probably my mum to figure out how she manages to do so many things simultaneously.

Coffee or tea?
Coffee everytime ♥

What was your most embarrassing makeup mishap?
Wearing foundation three shades too dark for my face 😦

Which makeup brand do you like the best?
High end is MAC, drugstore is Rimmel.

Where would you rather be: travelling through Europe or relaxing at the beach on the Maldives?
It’s freezing in Perth so relaxing at a beach on the Maldives would be so perfect right now!

Which food do you love indulging in?
Pasta and more recently, soup.

What is your most commendable character trait and what is the worst one?
Most commendable- I’m generally a kind, loving and generous person.
Worst- I’m impatient and tend to over think things.

In ten years, where do you see yourself?
See myself with my CA qualification, working, owning my own house, travelling, married to someone amazing and with kids (:

What is your favourite thing about blogging?
Interacting with awesome bloggers and discovering new products.

Which feature of your face do you like the best?
My lashes!

Which 3 adjectives describe you the most appropriately?
Independent, realistic and loving.

My nominees:

My questions:

  1. What beauty product have you repurchased the most?
  2. What’s your favourite perfume at the moment?
  3. Favourite quote?
  4. Which fashion trend do you absolutely loathe?
  5. What made you happy this week?
  6. What post on your blog has had the most visits?
  7. What’s your goals before the end of this year?
  8. What make up item can you not leave the house without?
  9. What’s your favourite junk food to eat?
  10. Current foundation you’re using?
  11. Are you an extrovert or introvert?

Thank you Reify for the nomination & I hope everyone is having an amazing weekend (:

Fatima x

Another Liebster Award :)

I’ve been nominated for another Liebster Award, this time from the lovely Maarja who runs a blog called Armed with A Lipstick . Her blog is a wonderful mix of beauty, fashion and personal posts which I actually discovered through my previous Liebster Award post. Maarja discovered my blog because I had nominated a blog she followed, who in turn nominated her. I think that’s the wonderful part about the Liebster Award, discovering new blogs that you would have otherwise not known about. If you’re a new blogger and have been nominated, I would encourage you to answer the questions and nominate other bloggers. It helps build your network and really gets your blog out there!

Maarja hasn’t given me 11 questions to answer, but has requested that I share 11 things about myself. Here goes:

  1. I usually blog from my bed while sipping coffee
  2. Only three of my friends know about my blog, I don’t feel comfortable sharing it with anyone else
  3. I absolutely LOVE coffee and I went through a phase where I bought lots of lipsticks so that’s where my blog title comes from.
  4. I’d rather read a book than watch something, I rarely watch movies because I end up getting distracted or bored.
  5. The last thing I purchased was Gillette Venus blades for my shaver (random!!)
  6. I think I could survive one day maximum without the internet.
  7. I’m kind of forcing myself to be a morning person just because I get so much more done when I wake up earlier.
  8. I avoid sharing selfies on social networks so the only time I take is when I’m wearing something new and want to show a friend.
  9. The Glasshouse Tahaa candle is still high on my wish list ♥
  10. I thought I didn’t know the difference between ‘elicit’ and ‘illicit’ but I searched the meanings and turned out that I did know.
  11. I’m passionate about my life and my goals, where I want to be in a few years and what I’m doing to get there 🙂

My questions

  1. Describe the place that you usually blog from
  2. Do your friends/family know about your blog?
  3. Tell us a little about your blog title!
  4. Would you rather read a book or watch a TV show/movie?
  5. What is the last thing you purchased?
  6. What’s the longest you can go without the internet?
  7. Are you a morning person?
  8. How often do you take selfies?
  9. What product is high on your wish list?
  10. Do you know the difference between elicit and illicit?
  11. What are some things that you are passionate about?

And now for my nominees! These are blogs that I’ve recently followed, please visit their blogs and show them some love ♥

My nominees

The Liebster Award rules:

  • You must link back to the person who nominated you;
  • You must answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominee before you;
  • You must pick 11 nominees with under 200 (or 2000 if you want to go with that) followers to answer your questions;
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you;
  • You must let the people you nominate know they have been nominated

 That’s it from me, thank you for reading!

Fatima x

Third Liebster Award!


One of my favourite things is reading through an awesome award or tag post then seeing my blog name on the nominees list. So thank you to Asha from The Oxford Owl for the nomination, I was really stoked to see my  blog at the end of your post last week (:  Asha is an Oxford student who regularly blogs a mix of fashion, skincare and makeup posts. Be sure to check out her blog!

The Liebster Award rules:

  • You must link back to the person who nominated you;
  • You must answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominee before you;
  • You must pick 11 nominees with under 200 (or 2000 if you want to go with that) followers to answer your questions;
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you;
  • You must let the people you nominate know they have been nominated

Asha’s Questions:

1. What are you currently reading?

I just borrowed The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho) from the library. It’s not the genre that I usually read but I’m intrigued by some of the quotes that I’ve seen online from this book.

2. Is there one product you can’t live without?

How do I even narrow it down to one?! I love my foundation, liquid liner and mascara but could probably live without them. So maybe my facial moisturizer because I hate my skin feeling dry.

3. What make up have you got on right now?

Nothing right now, I usually blog before bed when my face has been cleansed and moisturized (:

4. What is your favourite perfume?

Taylor Swift’s Wonderstruck is my favourite from the perfumes that I own. Other favourites that I don’t own are Angel by Thierry Mugler, DKNY and Katy Perry’s Meow.

5. What product is highest on your wish list right now?

The Glasshouse Tahaa candle!! So yummy. I’m trying to wait for the perfect occasion to treat myself 😉

6. Describe your perfect weekend?

Starting the weekend at the beach, going out with people I like, a bit of shopping and then relaxing at home blogging or watching TV shows.

7. What is your favourite place that you’ve visited?

Cape Town, South Africa. Absolutely stunning ♥

8. Best and worst thing about blogging?

Best- interacting with all these amazing bloggers and discovering new products

Worst- trying to fit time in for blogging with a full on schedule and having to prove I’m not a robot when commenting on blogs.

9. What song will be the soundtrack to your summer?

We’re actually headed into winter here! So depends what songs will be out then 🙂

10. What is your favourite type of post to write?

I love doing lipstick swatches/reviews and also tag posts. I’ve been trying a whole lot of different things though, I just did a skincare post recently for the first time.

11. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Think it was James Franco after I watched Spider Man. Definitely over it now though haha.

My questions

  1. Where do you buy most of your beauty products from?
  2. What is your favourite post on your blog?
  3. Are you an optimistic person?
  4. What is the last product that you bought because a blogger recommended it?
  5. Describe your favourite person
  6. What are some of your holy grail products?
  7. What are three things you’d like to achieve in the next year?
  8. Describe your ultimate birthday experience
  9. What are some of the most used apps on your phone?
  10. What color is your room?
  11. How long does it usually take you to get ready in the morning?

My nominees

I’ve decided to nominate some of the blogs that I recently started following:

Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to show the blogs above some love 🙂 Hope everyone has an amazing weekend.

Fatima xx

The Versatile Blogger Award











I was nominated by Sunny from Mia Bella Beautopia way back in February for this award, thank you for again 🙂

The rules of The Versatile Blogger Award are:

  1. Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading.
  4. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.

7 random things about me

  1. I write lists for absolutely EVERYTHING. I have lists next to by bedside, at my desk, on my phone..they make me feel safe.
  2. I only got my drivers license at 21.
  3. I absolutely LOVE anything vanilla scented ♥
  4. I watch way too many cupcake decorating tutorials on Youtube
  5. I love window shopping, like it makes me happy just walking around shops in the city 🙂
  6. I wanted to study teaching, then journalism but finally decided on accounting
  7. I tweet a lot 🙂

My nominations:

Don’t forget to check out Sunny’s blog at Mia Bella Beautopia!

Until next time,

Fatima x

Liebster Award #2 :)


Thank you to the lovely Annika and Chloe from Two Little Owls Blog for the nomination! They’ve just reached 100 followers so be sure to check out their blog 🙂 The Liebster Award is a fantastic way to meet new bloggers and to introduce yourself to the blogging community so I really appreciate the nomination ♥

The rules:

  • You must link back to the person who nominated you;
  • You must answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominee before you;
  • You must pick 11 nominees with under 200 (or 2000 if you want to go with that) followers to answer your questions;
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you;
  • You must let the people you nominate know they have been nominated

On to Annika and Chloe’s questions:

1. How did you get in to blogging/ what made you decide to start blogging?

I had been stalking beauty blogs for a few months without really commenting or being involved and decided that it was time to join in on the fun and start my own blog 🙂 Also I had been looking for lipstick swatches and couldn’t find any on similar skin tones to mine, so I thought I could contribute if other beauties were having the same difficulty.

2. When did you start your blog?

At the end of December blog is still in infancy stages haha.

3. Would you rather cook or go out for a meal?

It’s lovely going out for a meal occasionally but it’s not something I could do on a regular I’d rather cook.

4. What is your favourite make-up brand?

MAC!! Closely followed by Estee Lauder.

5. What is your favourite season and why?

Summer, I live for the hot weather and long days ♥

6. What is your favourite food/meal?

Definitely pasta, I love carbs way too much.

7. If you won the lottery, what would you buy/do first?

Build my dream house!

8. What is your favourite film?

White Chicks, because every single line is quotable.

9. Do you prefer shopping online or going to the shop yourself?

Unless it’s significantly cheaper online, I like to buy it in the shop so I can try the product out first.

10. What is your perfect holiday destination?

Maldives ♥ Although my perfect destination changes every few months.

11. What is your favourite book?

A thousand splendid suns by Khaled Hosseini. And the Harry Potter books (obviously).

My questions:

  1. What is your favourite drink?
  2. Which TV shows are you watching at the moment?
  3. What is the most expensive and least expensive makeup item that you own?
  4. What is the last video you watched on Youtube?
  5. How many languages do you speak?
  6. Which celebrity would you love to meet?
  7. What phone do you have?
  8. Three things you would love to achieve?
  9. What inspires you when blogging?
  10. Can you cook?
  11. Are you currently studying?

My nominees:

Thanks for reading & have a fantastic weekend 🙂 ♥

Fatima x

My first Liebster Award!


Thank you to the lovely Sunny from Mia Bella Beautopia for my first Liebster Award nomination! Her blog is a mix of beautiful pictures and well written beauty reviews so definitely worth checking out.

The rules:

  • You must link back to the person who nominated you;
  • You must answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominee before you;
  • You must pick 11 nominees with under 200 (or 2000 if you want to go with that) followers to answer your questions;
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you;
  • You must let the people you nominate know they have been nominated

Sunny’s questions:

1. What’s your favorite way to occupy your free time?

My current favorite past time is reading beauty blogs and beauty product reviews. I also spend a lot of time on my phone tweeting and whatsapping friends.

2. Any sports?

Running (a blog) and nothing else unfortunately.

3. Tea or coffee?

Coffee! I drink up to four cups a day.

4. Any pets?

No, but I did have hamsters when I was younger though.

5. What CD is currently on your car?

I don’t have a CD in my car, most of my music is on my phone and it’s a mix of songs from the top 40 charts.

6. Can you cook?

I would like to think that I can haha. I can cook curries, rice dishes and pasta’s but would love to learn more.

7. Family or friends?

Family, I have a really good relationship with mine and it makes me feel so much better about everything else that goes on in my life.

8. Do you prefer going out or staying home?

Staying home and watching my favorite tv shows or reading 🙂 That being said, I do enjoy dressing up and going out too.

9. What’s your dream job?

Probably at a beauty magazine so I can test out new products all the time!

10. Top 3 things you didn’t do yet but you’d like to before you leave this world?

  • Travel and experience new cultures
  • Complete my chartered accountants program
  • Marry someone absolutely amazing

11. Which Disney princess would you be and why?

Rapunzel from Tangled just because she’s so endearing! Also, her hair is pretty cool.

My wonderful nominees:

  1. All her pretty things
  2. Melaniface
  3. Beausandbows
  4. Laceeandlattes
  5. Hotheadedbutcreative
  6. Bugsbeautyblog
  7. Littlebitsoph
  8. Callmezeena
  9. Mssnob
  10. Missbeautyadikt
  11. Sam’s beauty blog

My questions

  1. List your top three favorite TV shows or movies
  2. What is your dream holiday destination?
  3. Are you an extrovert or introvert?
  4. What mascara are you currently using?
  5. Why did you start blogging?
  6. What is your favourite post that you’ve written about? (Please provide link!)
  7. List 5 things that make you happy 🙂
  8. What websites do you visit often?
  9. What is one skill or hobby that you have always wanted to learn?
  10. Do you exercise regularly?
  11. Share something that your readers don’t know about you

Thank you again for the nomination Sunny 🙂 This was awesome to do because I usually just do beauty related posts. Hope that this was an enjoyable post to read!

Fatima xx