Third Liebster Award!


One of my favourite things is reading through an awesome award or tag post then seeing my blog name on the nominees list. So thank you to Asha from The Oxford Owl for the nomination, I was really stoked to see my  blog at the end of your post last week (:  Asha is an Oxford student who regularly blogs a mix of fashion, skincare and makeup posts. Be sure to check out her blog!

The Liebster Award rules:

  • You must link back to the person who nominated you;
  • You must answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominee before you;
  • You must pick 11 nominees with under 200 (or 2000 if you want to go with that) followers to answer your questions;
  • You cannot nominate the person who nominated you;
  • You must let the people you nominate know they have been nominated

Asha’s Questions:

1. What are you currently reading?

I just borrowed The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho) from the library. It’s not the genre that I usually read but I’m intrigued by some of the quotes that I’ve seen online from this book.

2. Is there one product you can’t live without?

How do I even narrow it down to one?! I love my foundation, liquid liner and mascara but could probably live without them. So maybe my facial moisturizer because I hate my skin feeling dry.

3. What make up have you got on right now?

Nothing right now, I usually blog before bed when my face has been cleansed and moisturized (:

4. What is your favourite perfume?

Taylor Swift’s Wonderstruck is my favourite from the perfumes that I own. Other favourites that I don’t own are Angel by Thierry Mugler, DKNY and Katy Perry’s Meow.

5. What product is highest on your wish list right now?

The Glasshouse Tahaa candle!! So yummy. I’m trying to wait for the perfect occasion to treat myself 😉

6. Describe your perfect weekend?

Starting the weekend at the beach, going out with people I like, a bit of shopping and then relaxing at home blogging or watching TV shows.

7. What is your favourite place that you’ve visited?

Cape Town, South Africa. Absolutely stunning ♥

8. Best and worst thing about blogging?

Best- interacting with all these amazing bloggers and discovering new products

Worst- trying to fit time in for blogging with a full on schedule and having to prove I’m not a robot when commenting on blogs.

9. What song will be the soundtrack to your summer?

We’re actually headed into winter here! So depends what songs will be out then 🙂

10. What is your favourite type of post to write?

I love doing lipstick swatches/reviews and also tag posts. I’ve been trying a whole lot of different things though, I just did a skincare post recently for the first time.

11. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Think it was James Franco after I watched Spider Man. Definitely over it now though haha.

My questions

  1. Where do you buy most of your beauty products from?
  2. What is your favourite post on your blog?
  3. Are you an optimistic person?
  4. What is the last product that you bought because a blogger recommended it?
  5. Describe your favourite person
  6. What are some of your holy grail products?
  7. What are three things you’d like to achieve in the next year?
  8. Describe your ultimate birthday experience
  9. What are some of the most used apps on your phone?
  10. What color is your room?
  11. How long does it usually take you to get ready in the morning?

My nominees

I’ve decided to nominate some of the blogs that I recently started following:

Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to show the blogs above some love 🙂 Hope everyone has an amazing weekend.

Fatima xx


  1. Thanks for the nom honey! Sucks i was already done cause i love your questions! I also love TS Perfume and Angel is one of my favorites! Have you spent Alien by Theirry? Its amazing!!!

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